My research interests lie in Public Economics, Household Finance, and Empirical Banking, fields that explore key economic interactions within society. Public Economics focuses on the government's role in resource allocation, with particular attention to areas such as healthcare and income distribution. Household Finance investigates how families make financial decisions, including saving, borrowing, and investing. Empirical Banking leverages data to analyze trends and behaviors in the banking sector. Together, these areas provide valuable insights into the decision-making processes of individuals, households, and institutions within the economy.

Publications (Journal Articles and Chapters in Books)

On-going research

  • Unveiling the risk of bank balance sheets: From risk recognition to credit reallocation (with B. Bruno)

  • Does stricter supervision reduce bank opacity? (with B. Bruno and G. Nocera)

  • Anatomy of bank risk (with B. Bruno, F. Corielli and G. Nocera)

  • From chance to choice. The moral costs of human enhancement: A survey experiment (with G. Immordino, M. Macis, and F. Panebianco)

  • Patient migration for adequate cancer treatments. An analysis of the geographical mobility within the Italian National Health System (with S. Beraldo, M. Collaro, A. D'Ambrosio, and J. Pratschke)

Other contributions

  • Brunella Bruno, Immacolata Marino (2024). Il nesso tra dimensione e performance nelle banche commerciali europee. Un’analisi empirica. Rivista Bancaria. Minerva Bancaria, 5-6, 87-137.

  • Sostenibilità del modello tradizionale di business e prospettive di redditività delle banche di piccola e media dimensione (2024). (with M. Comana, B. Bruno, and S. Milanesi)

  • Daniele Checchi, Tullio Jappelli, Immacolata Marino, Annalisa Scognamiglio (2023). Inequality in Italy: 1980- 2020. In: Inequalities in Europe and North America.

  • La performance delle piccole e medie banche commerciali e indipendenti. Report for Banca Passadore (2021). (with B. Bruno)

  • How do Banks Respond to NPLs? (with B. Bruno). July 2021, CSEF Working Paper No. 513.

  • Il tessuto imprenditoriale Piemontese alla prova della crisi: un’analisi comparata. Dinamica della nati-mortalità 2000-2012 e bilanci d’impresa 2009-2011 (2017). Report for Unioncamere Piemonte. (with T. Nannicini and I. Rota Baldini)